Application of Difference Spectroscopy to Biopharmaceutical Formulation Development

Spectroscopy is increasingly being used in biopharmaceutical formulation development to characterize protein structure and the response of structure to the formulation configuration. The application of spectroscopy to formulation development is generally based on the premise that stable protein conformations provide high real-time physical stability.1 The challenges in applying spectroscopic studies to protein characterization are the interpretation and quantitation of the results.2–5 Data interpretation is difficult because protein spectra are a convolution of multiple overlapping components, the assignments of which are based on comparisons to model compounds and theoretical calculations. The lack of resolution of spectral features requires the use of deconvolution methods to enhance the details of the spectrum. While these can be successful at augmenting spectral features, deconvolution alone does not solve the problem of quantitation. Without adequate quantitation, the application of spectroscopy to the assessment of formulations/configurations is not effective. This paper explores the use of difference spectra6 for characterizing and quantifying changes in protein structure as applied to formulation development. The method of calculating difference spectra is explained and the application of infrared- and UV-difference spectra to formulation development is illustrated in three examples.

Unlike most analytical methods, which are separative and thus allow for quantitation of modified protein, spectra are a convolution of all of the components of a sample. Therefore, an assessment of purity generally cannot be made by inspection of a single spectrum. Rather, changes in the sample spectrum are determined relative to a spectrum of a reference state. Thus, the choice of an appropriate reference state is crucial to utilizing spectroscopy to guide formulation development, as has been shown for FTIR spectra.7,8 Some examples of reference states and their applicability include: the initial time-point for samples on stability, the liquid state for determining lyophilization-induced changes, the previous formulation when a formulation change is made, the recommended storage condition versus a stressed condition, and wild-type protein compared to site-directed mutants.

Once the reference state for a given experiment has been chosen, the next important step is deciding how to analyze the spectra in order to determine the nature and extent of changes between the sample and the reference. Some methods of data analysis that have been explored include: visual comparison, computation of the 2nd and 4th derivatives,4,9 and Gaussian curve-fitting.5 Visual inspection is highly subjective, may not readily differentiate subtle changes, and does not allow quantitation. Calculation of the 2nd (and higher) derivative removes subjectivity and can allow for quantitation,9 but suffers from amplification of sharp peaks (including noise) and suppression of broad, flat regions of spectra.3 Gaussian curve-fitting becomes complicated when broad, multicomponent spectra can be fit to multiple solutions.3

Another well-known approach to the evaluation and quantitation of changes in spectra (especially for FTIR) that has not been pursued for formulation development is difference spectroscopy.6 In difference spectroscopy, the difference between the sample and reference state spectrum highlights only changes, which simplifies data interpretation. This aspect is particularly useful in late-stage formulation development, a time when usually only subtle changes to the formulation/configuration are made and thus any differences are expected to be relatively small. The difference spectra require no empirical input parameters to be calculated and are not expected to amplify sharp peaks or noise. Furthermore, normalization of the spectra allows for a quantitative assessment of the changes. Like the other methods, difference spectra also suffer from some drawbacks. The main caveat of difference spectra is that they report only on the net change between the sample and the reference. Structural rearrangements that do not result in an alteration in the sample spectrum will go undetected; e.g., loss of α-helix in one portion of a protein may be masked by the formation of a similar amount of α-helix in another segment of the molecule. The method also does not overcome the difficulty of assigning relative importance to changes observed in various spectral bands. Rather, the magnitude of the changes in the sample spectrum relative to the reference spectrum is used to drive data evaluation and interpretation. Nonetheless, it is the ability of the difference spectra to highlight small changes without distortion of peak heights, widths, or noise levels that makes the method advantageous.

The application of difference spectroscopy to formulation development is illustrated here. Three case studies demonstrate the ability of difference spectroscopy to quantitate changes in the spectra of proteins: difference infrared spectra correlated with solid-state changes, difference infrared spectra illustrating the effect of different lyophilization cycles on protein structure, and difference UV spectra to detect and quantitate changes between mutant and wild-type samples of a protein. In all cases, the approach was to induce small variations in protein structure—by varying temperature, lyophilization cycle parameters, and constructing a point mutation—and assess the changes by difference spectroscopy.


FTIR spectra were recorded on an MB104 series Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer (ABB Bomem, Norwalk, CT) equipped with a deuteride triglyceride sulfate (DTGS) detector. The instrument was purged continuously with dry nitrogen to minimize water vapor. Spectra of powder samples were collected on a DuraSamplIR II attenuated total reflection (ATR) accessory (Smiths Detection, Danbury, CT) fitted with a diamond triple-bounce internal reflection element. A total of 32 scans were collected for each spectrum at a resolution of 4 cm–1. Single-beam spectra of both the background (R0) and sample (R) were recorded, and the ATR absorbance was calculated as ATR = –log(R/R0) in GRAMS/32 AI, version 6.01 software (Thermo Electron Corp., Philadelphia, PA). Spectra were interactively corrected for water vapor and then baseline- and offset-corrected between 1715 and 1590 cm–1 (amide I).

UV spectroscopy was performed using a model 14NT-UV-VIS spectrophotometer (Aviv Instruments, Piscataway, NJ). Absorbance spectra between 250 and 305 nm were recorded in steps of 0.1 nm with a 1-nm bandwidth. Protein was diluted to 1.0 mg/mL in a 1.0-cm-pathlength quartz cuvette. The reference cell contained formulation buffer.

All spectra were area-normalized to 1.0 over the chosen wavelength range to correct for concentration differences. The reference state spectrum was chosen and subtracted from the sample spectra. For these sample-minus-reference spectra, negative peaks indicate loss of features from the reference state, while positive peaks indicate growth of features in the sample. The extent of change in the difference spectra was quantified by integrating the absolute value of the difference spectra within the specified wavelength range (the area of difference, or AoD).6 Because the spectra are normalized to 1.0, the AoD represents the net percent difference in the sample spectrum.


Case 1: Structural changes in the lyophilized state

Figure 1 - Top: Amide I region FTIR spectra for a protein stored at the indicated temperatures for 7 weeks. Bottom: Sample-minus-5 °C control difference spectra of the same samples. Arrows indicate direction of change with increasing temperature.

Figure 2 - Correlation between the AoD of the spectra in Figure 1 with the amount of aggregate measured by SEC.

This experiment was done as part of an accelerated temperature study in order to characterize the thermally induced structural changes in a lyophilized formulation over time. One goal was to relate protein structural changes determined by FTIR to analytical data (size exclusion chromatography [SEC]) post-reconstitution. Figure 1 (top) shows the FTIR spectra of a protein in the amide I region after 7 weeks at several temperatures, including the 5 °C control. Visually, changes can be seen as the growth of amplitude on the low-frequency side of amide I (~1630 cm–1) with loss of amplitude on the high-frequency side (~1670 cm–1).

The difference spectra (Figure 1, bottom) show only the changes relative to the 5 °C control, simplifying the data evaluation. The trend in the changes with temperature is more apparent. The features on the high-frequency side of amide I may be assigned to loss of random turns and high-frequency vibrations of α-helices, while the low-frequency bands gained in the samples, centered near ~1630 cm–1, may arise from vibrations of intermolecular contacts or aggregated strands.10 The area of the positive bands (~1650–1600 cm–1) is a measure of the features gained in the sample spectra, i.e., the extent of change in secondary structure of the protein with temperature. These bands may be assigned as intermolecular contacts or aggregated strands, and thus the spectral area from 1650 to 1600 cm–1 may be a measure of the growth of aggregates in the solid state.

Figure 2 shows an overlay of the AoD (1650–1600 cm–1) with the SEC data (% aggregate formed) versus temperature. There is a good correlation between the data (r = 0.98). Together, these results suggest that irreversible aggregation is occurring in the solid state, and that, for this formulation, the FTIR data correlate well with the amount of postreconstitution aggregation by measuring the area of the difference spectrum.

Case 2: Use of FTIR difference spectra to compare two different lyophilization cycles

One sometimes-difficult aspect of formulation and fill-finish development is the need to select and set conditions for lyophilization in advance of long-term stability data. Subtle differences in the final drug product (FDP) as a function of lyophilization cycle parameters may not be resolved by analytical release data. As demonstrated above and several times in the literature, FTIR spectra can assess structural changes to the protein in the solid state.7,8 The spectra do not predict chemical stability, but at least offer a way to determine the extent of change from the solution state of the protein, which is usually taken as the most stable conformational state and the appropriate state from which to compare lyophilization-induced changes.

Figure 3 - Top: Amide I region FTIR spectra for a protein as a BDS and after lyophilization by cycles A and B. Bottom: Sample-minus-BDS control difference spectra of the same samples. A has an AoD of 14.4%, while B has an AoD of 15.7% over the amide I region.

Figure 3 shows FTIR spectra of a bulk drug substance (BDS) and a protein after lyophilization by methods A and B. There is loss of the main band at 1635 cm–1 and slight gains in the shoulders at 1670 and 1690 cm–1. By choosing the BDS as the reference state and calculating the difference spectra, the changes become more evident and can be quantified. The difference spectra show a loss of features at 1630 cm–1 (β-sheet) and gains at 1665 cm–1 (turns) and 1695 cm–1 (aggregated strands).10

The nature of the changes in both lyophilization cycles is comparable, and does not help distinguish the two. However, the area of the difference spectrum for lyo cycle A is 1.3 percentage points more similar to the BDS than B. Thus, A retains more solution-like structure, which is taken to be the most stable conformational state and hence possesses the best real-time physical stability.1,7,8 The AoD allowed for discrimination between subtle differences in the lyophilization cycles, which are not evident in the spectra themselves. Although the magnitude of the difference between cycles A and B is small, it serves as a useful guide for selecting between the two in the absence of differentiating release or stability analytical data.

Case 3: UV difference spectra for understanding protein structural changes in site-directed mutants

Figure 4 - Top: UV absorbance spectra of the wild-type and site-directed mutant forms of a protein. Bottom: Mutant-minus-WT difference spectrum.

In this experiment, UV spectra were collected as part of a study to assess changes to the tertiary structure of a protein in a site-directed mutant compared to the wild type (WT). UV spectra of the WT and mutant proteins are shown in Figure 4. Changes in the UV absorbance are evident. The mutant-minus-WT difference spectrum highlights the changes only, which are due to a band with peaks at 280 and 287 nm. Such an absorbance profile matches well with the absorbance of Tyr residues.11 In this case, the point mutation changed the known hydrogen-bonding partner to a Tyr in the WT protein. Because of this, a change in the Tyr UV spectrum is expected. The difference spectrum verifies the expectation that a Tyr will be affected by the mutation, and the AoD over the 250–300 nm range indicates a 10% loss in spectral integrated intensity.


In this paper, the authors have shown that difference spectroscopy can be useful in formulation development for highlighting and quantitating small changes observed in spectra. The method can be applied to the analysis of any set of spectra for which an appropriate reference state spectrum can be obtained. Difference spectra require no empirical input parameters to be computed, do not amplify noise or sharp peaks, and can be quantitated for comparison with other spectra or analytical data. Difference spectra are a useful complement to other methods for analyzing spectroscopic data.


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Dr. Vrettos is a Scientist, Mr. Affleck and Mrs. Guo are Research Associates III, Dr. Spitznagel is Executive Director, and Dr. Krishnamurthy is Associate Director, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Human Genome Sciences, Inc., 14200 Shady Grove Rd., Rockville, MD 20850, U.S.A.; tel.: 240-314-4400, ext. 1376; fax: 301-354-4178; e-mail: [email protected].
