Evaluation of the Accuracy and Reproducibility of a High-Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimeter by Heat Capacity Measurements

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is used to determine thermodynamic properties including specific heat, glass transition, and melting points of a variety of materials. The need for accurate determination of thermal properties at high temperatures (>700 °C) has spurred the development of high-temperature differential scanning calorimetry (HTDSC). The introduction of HTDSC increased the upper temperature limit of DSC’s capability to 1400 °C, allowing thermal analysis of high-temperature materials such as ceramics and silicates.1 However, the accuracy and reproducibility of HTDSC measurements has not been rigorously studied, especially at high temperatures. In particular, there is a need to determine the impact of experimental variables on the quality of results of HTDSC measurements. Studying the effects of these variables will help generate recommendations for the experimental parameters needed to produce the most reliable results.


The analysis of DSC traces to determine the heat capacity of samples typically employs either the ratio method2 or the ASTM method. In the ratio method, three consecutive measurements are made using the same experimental conditions and temperature history. The first measurement is a baseline run made with empty crucibles. For the second measurement, a standard material is kept in the sample crucible; the third measurement is made with an actual sample in the sample crucible. The heat capacity of the sample can be calculated from the following:

where Cp,sam. and Cp,cal. are the heat capacities per mass of the sample and reference standard at temperature T; msam. and mcal. are the masses of the sample and reference material; VB is the difference between the thermocouple voltages in the sample and reference chambers at T; and Vsam. and Vcal. are functions of the sample or reference material, the pan, and a calibration factor. The calibration factor in turn is a function of temperature and sample geometry.3

The ASTM method (ASTM E 1269) also requires three measurements with an identical temperature program, including isothermal segments at the beginning and the end. Three measurements—baseline, standard, and sample runs—are made and the measured signals are corrected for baseline shifts. In addition, the differences in isothermal segments from zero are corrected by a linear correction curve that is derived from the signal in the isothermal runs. Thus, corrected standard and sample signals are obtained that are used in Eq. (1) to calculate the heat capacity of the sample.4 Also, for accurate specific heat measurements, the baseline run is repeated twice to ensure stability and reproducibility.


A model 409C simultaneous thermal analyzer with Pt-Rh furnace (Netzsch Instruments, Burlington, MA) was used for all measurements. An HTDSC sample carrier with platinum crucibles and lids was used. As described above, heat capacity measurements were done using the ratio method, after completing the required three runs for a given experimental condition. Samples were heated from room temperature to 1400 °C. A set of experimental parameters (sample size, standard material and size, heating rate, choice and flow rate of cover gas) was selected for each series of experiments. After the baseline run and standard run, four DSC traces were made using identical conditions. Different experimental conditions used to determine the effect of these variables on the measurements are as follows:

  1. Platinum sample: Circular-shaped samples were cut from 99.99% platinum foils. The diameter of these samples (~5.5 mm) was slightly less than the inside diameter of the platinum HTDSC crucibles. Thicknesses 0.127, 0.254, and 0.625 mm of respective masses 94.6, 180.0, and 341.0 mg were used.
  2. Cover gas: High-purity Ar (99.998%) was used as the cover gas. Flow rates used included 27.4 and 51.7 cm3 min–1.
  3. Standard material: Sapphire of thickness 0.25 and 0.50 mm. Platinum of 0.254-mm thickness was also used.
  4. Heating rate: 20 K min–1 was used for most of the measurements. Though a heating rate of 40 K min–1 was used for some experiments, long-term use of this heating rate is not recommended by the manufacturer due to its adverse impact on the life of the furnace.

Results and discussion

Figure 1 - Measured heat capacity of platinum (180-mg sample, 0.25-mm sapphire standard, 20 K min–1 heating rate, 27.4 cm3 min–1 Ar flow). Straight line is literature value.

Figure 2 - Measured heat capacity of platinum (94.6-mg sample, 0.25-mm sapphire standard, 20 K min–1 heating rate, 27.4 cm3 min–1 Ar flow). Straight line is literature value.

Figure 1 shows the result of four traces using the 0.25-mm-thick platinum foil as the sample, a 0.25-mm sapphire standard, a heating rate of 20 K min–1, and 27.4 cm3 min–1 Ar flow rate. The single straight solid line in the figure is the “literature” heat capacity of platinum. It is apparent that the experimental data are substantially different from the literature data. This may be due to the difference between the masses of the sample and the standard. It also shows that the uncertainty level grows with temperature, especially above 800 °C. Figure 2 shows the results of four traces using the 0.127-mm platinum foil, keeping all other experimental parameters constant. The accuracy has improved over that of Figure 1, but increased uncertainty levels at temperatures above 800 °C are also apparent.

When heat capacities were measured using the same experimental conditions and sample as Figure 1, with the exception of an increased heating rate (40 K min–1), the reproducibility of the results was better than that seen in Figure 1. However, the stress that this heating rate imposes on the instrument recommends against long-term use of this practice.

Another set of runs was made with an even thinner platinum sample (94.6 mg), 0.25-mm platinum standard, 20 K min–1 heating rate, and 27.4 cm3 min–1 Ar flow. This was followed by a set of runs with a 40 K min–1 heating rate. Using a 0.127-mm piece of platinum foil as the standard instead of a 0.25-mm sapphire standard reduced the accuracy of the average measured heat capacity; using a higher heating rate improved the reproducibility, especially above 1000 °C.

From the average of measured heat capacities of the above-mentioned sets of runs, it was observed that using platinum samples of 0.127- and 0.25-mm thickness at 20 K min–1 and 40 K min–1 heating rate, respectively, with a 0.25-mm sapphire standard gave heat capacity values close to literature data. From the standard deviation of measurements, maximum deviation was observed with a platinum sample of 0.127 mm at 20 K min–1 heating rate, 27.4 cm3 min–1 Ar flow rate, and 0.25-mm platinum standard. This could be associated with the minimal thickness of the sample and buckling of foil inside the crucible.

Figure 3 - Measured heat capacity of platinum (180-mg sample, 0.50-mm sapphire standard, 20 K min–1 heating rate, 27.4 cm3 min–1 Ar flow). Straight line is literature value.

Figure 4 - Measured heat capacity of platinum (180-mg sample, 0.25-mm sapphire standard, 40 K min–1 heating rate, 51.7 cm3 min–1 Ar flow). Straight line is literature value.

Figures 3 and 4 compare the effect of cover gas flow rate on the accuracy and uncertainty of the results. Figure 3 shows the results of measurements using a 0.25-mm sample, 20 K min–1 heating rate, 27.4 cm3 min–1 Ar flow rate, and 0.5-mm sapphire standard. Compared with the results in Figure 1, which used 0.25-mm-thick sapphire as the standard, the measured heat capacity is much closer to that expected, but it is apparent that the uncertainty above 800 °C is still substantial. Figure 4 shows measurements with the same piece of platinum, 40 K min–1 heating rate, 51.71 cm3 min–1 Ar flow rate, and 0.25-mm sapphire standard. The accuracy of both sets of runs was roughly equivalent, but the reproducibility of the results is better for those measurements using a higher heating rate.

Figure 5 - Measured heat capacity of platinum (0.625-mm sample, 0.50-mm sapphire standard, 20 K min–1 heating rate, 27.4 cm3 min–1 Ar flow). Straight line is literature value.

Figure 6 - Measured heat capacity of platinum (0.625-mm sample, 0.625-mm platinum standard, 20 K min–1 heating rate, 27.4 cm3 min–1 Ar flow). Straight line is literature value.

Figures 5 and 6 show the results achieved for a 0.625-mm-thick platinum sample with 0.5-mm sapphire disk and 0.625-mm platinum disk as standards, respectively. These two sets of runs compare the effect of calibration standard on accuracy and uncertainty. Accuracy and uncertainty were better for both sets of conditions, although a 0.625-mm-thick platinum standard showed maximum reproducibility and accuracy. The best results are from those measurements performed using the 0.625-mm platinum sample. The thicker (and heavier) sample provides better surface contact with the sample crucible, improving heat transfer and thus instrument accuracy. In addition, a standard of size and mass comparable to that of the sample tends to generate more accurate results.


Experimental conditions were varied to study their effect on the accuracy and reproducibility of heat capacity measurements made with a high-temperature differential scanning calorimeter. Use of a higher heating rate, calibration standard of similar size and mass as the sample, and a larger sample mass can give much more accurate and reproducible heat capacity measurements.


  1. Loeb, D.W.; Brammer, A.J.; Charsley, E.L.; Warrington, S.B. Am. Lab.1987, 1, 87–90.
  2. Shaw, T.L.; Carol, J.C. Int. J. Thermophys.1998, 19(6), 1671–80.
  3. Hongtu, F.; Laye, P.G. Thermochim. Acta1991, 180, 81–7.
  4. ASTM Standards, Doc. No. ASTM E 1269, Mar 1, 2005.

Ms. Jacob is a Graduate Research Assistant, and Dr. Schlesinger is Professor of Materials Science & Engineering, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Missouri—Rolla, 1870 Miner Cir., Rolla, MO 65409-0340, U.S.A.; tel.: 573-341-6773; fax: 573-341- 6934; e-mail: [email protected]. This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMR–0404605. The authors are also grateful to Ms. Darlene Ramsay (UMR) and Mr. John Kelly and Dr. Jack Henderson (Netzsch Instruments, Burlington, MA, U.S.A.) for their assistance.
