A Device for Isoelectric Focusing of IPG Gel Strips

For more than 30 years, 2-D electrophoresis has been used by researchers around the globe to separate proteins by charge and then by size. Two-dimensional electrophoresis has become a widely used technique in the field of proteomics for the study of protein expression and to identify proteins in complex mixtures. Two-dimensional electrophoresis is the separation of a protein sample by two different electrophoretic methods. The current methodology consists of isoelectric focusing (IEF) separation of proteins in gel strips based on the proteins’ isoelectric point (pI) under denaturing and reduced conditions (first dimension) followed by separation in a slab gel based on protein mass (second dimension). The combined technique resolves proteins into spots. Proteins are detected either by prelabeling the proteins or by staining the gel post electrophoresis. The gels are imaged and quantified to look for differences in the resulting 2-D patterns, or the individual protein spots can be excised from the gel and identified using mass spectrometry or amino acid sequencing.

Improvements in the IEF gel matrix using immobilized pH gradients (IPG) have led to more stable and more reproducible pI separations for the first dimension. The first-dimension separation is performed in ultrathin, low-percentage acrylamide gels that are cast onto a polyester backing for easier handling. The gels are cast as gradient gels with a pH gradient being formed by the use of acrylamido buffers, such as Immobilines® (GE Healthcare, Piscataway, NJ), covalently bound within the acrylamide matrix. The gels are shipped dry and need to be hydrated with buffers, sometimes including the sample, before use. Each strip is used to separate one protein sample. Voltage must be applied to the hydrated gel strip and the separation occurs for a recommended number of volt-hours (Vhrs). In the past, this was determined simply by multiplying the voltage by the number of hours that voltage is applied. Today, most instruments include a counter to record the voltage over time and calculate the accumulated Vhrs.

Originally, separations of proteins using IPG strips were carried out on flat-bed systems. External power supplies were used to apply voltages up to 5000 V, and separation temperature was provided and controlled by external chiller units. In the 1990s, instruments were introduced to combine and consolidate the power supply and cooling into a single, integrated unit; these units allowed for higher voltages up to 10,000 V. Little has changed in instrument design over the past 10 years. A recent development, however, the Hoefer IEF100 isoelectric focusing unit (Hoefer Inc., Holliston, MA) (Figure 1), provides a number of features and enhancements, including higher voltage for sharper focusing, constant wattage control to help reduce heat generation, simplified programming for ease of use, individual strip monitoring for documentation of the IEF separation, enhanced temperature control, and a graphical user interface for quick visual display of the voltage profile and current generated on each sample strip. The key benefits are better feedback on individual sample performance, visual display of each strip’s data profile, and faster run times for IPG strips that require many total Vhrs to focus.

Figure 1 - Hoefer IEF100 isoelectric focusing unit.

The instrument used for the first-dimension IEF must be capable of high voltages for high resolution of proteins. Based on the formulas of Rilbe in 1973, the resolution of IEF is dependent on the square root of the electrical field.1,2 The higher the field strength applied, the higher the resolution. The Hoefer IEF100 offers 12,000-V output, the highest voltage available from any commercial product. In addition, each IPG strip manufacturer offers suggestions for the number of Vhrs required for good focusing within its IPG strip. The total Vhrs required varies depending on the pH range and the length of the IPG strip. Volt-hour focusing values of 100,000 Vhrs are not uncommon, and newer IEF instruments utilize very high voltages to speed focusing times. During the final focusing steps of the IEF separation, a higher voltage applied will accumulate the required Vhrs in a shorter time period, something easily accomplished with the Hoefer IEF100.

The first step in generating high-quality 2-D results is good sample preparation. Under native conditions, proteins may have limited solubility. To maximize the solubility of a protein mixture, chaotropes such as urea and thiourea, and nonionic detergents such as Triton X-100 (The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI) or zwitterionic detergents such as CHAPS (3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate)) are used during IPG strip hydration and during sample preparation. Reductants are also added to reduce the disulfide bonds and unfold the proteins. Some care must be taken in sample preparation to reduce the quantity of compounds that contribute charge or conductivity to the IPG strip matrix. Samples that contain high concentrations of salts have higher conductivity and may prevent the strips from reaching their desired maximum voltages. This higher conductivity slows down the focusing times and can lead to the strips burning if not carefully controlled by the limits of the IEF device. Typically, low power is used at the beginning of the run with increasing voltage applied over time. This can help by slowly migrating samples to their pIs, minimizing the heat generated at the beginning of the run, followed by a high-voltage phase to drive the proteins into sharp pI zones. Fully programmable instruments such as the Hoefer IEF100 allow multiple steps to be programmed to gradually increase the applied voltage over time for increased flexibility. Programmability enables the unit to change between phases without user intervention and reduces the risk of burning the strips.

The Hoefer IEF100 permits control of power to the IPG strip by setting a constant wattage for some or all of the steps of a given protocol. This helps to control the current and voltage applied to the sample and prevents overheating. For example, in a simplified two-step protocol, a low wattage step is used to initiate salt and protein migration. As proteins and ions focus into zones, ion movement slows down, and the conductivity of the strip decreases. As the current decreases, higher voltages can be applied to the strips. By controlling the wattage, the heat generated during electrophoresis is also controlled.

Figure 2 - Hoefer IEF100 graphical display of the total voltage applied to the IPG strips.

Figure 3 - a) Hoefer IEF100 graphical display μA current generated of sample extract. b) Hoefer IEF100 graphical display μA current generated of sample extract including 25 mM NaCl (salt). Note the high current at the beginning of the run and spikes later in the run as the strip begins to burn. c) Hoefer IEF100 graphical display μA current generated of sample extract including 50 mM Tris. Note the higher current later in the run as the voltage is increased. Overall these strips have higher conductivity than those without Tris.

The Hoefer IEF100 has the ability to monitor each individual IPG strip and show both numerically and graphically the individual current of each strip. The usefulness of this feature is shown in the examples of the graphical display and resulting 2-D gels for three IPG strips separated in the Hoefer IEF100 focusing unit. Figure 2 shows the total voltage applied to all the strips being focused. Figures 3a–c display the current generated in three IPG strips. Figure 3a shows the current profile of a 24-cm, 3-10NL (nonlinear pH gradient) IPG strip with ~37 mg Escherichia coli extract in standard 8 M urea, 2% CHAPS, 0.05% Pharmalyte buffer (GE Healthcare). Figure 3b is an identical strip, but with 25 mM salt (sodium chloride) included in the buffer. Figure 3c is an identical strip, but with 50 mM Tris included in the buffer. It is apparent even before completing the experiment that the conductivity of each strip is very different. The strips with no additives give a fairly flat and even current throughout the run, but strips containing salt and Tris have large peaks of high current as the run progresses. By looking at the data and comparing them to the graphs of other strips or previous runs, the user may gain insight into sample properties that can lead to problematic results.

Following focusing, the strips were equilibrated in 50 mM Tris-Cl pH 8.8, 6 M urea, 30% glycerol, 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and 1% dithiothreitol, and overlaid onto 12.5% SDS slab gels. The SDS gels were run in the Hoefer SE900 2nd Dimension Gel system (Hoefer Inc.) for 30 min at 100 V followed by 6 hr at 80 mA per gel. The gels were silver stained. The gel images (Figures 4–6) help to demonstrate the problems of how these ionic compounds interfere with the final 2-D results. Conventionally, 2-D images are displayed with the acidic region to the left and the basic pI region to the right. The SDS second dimension separated the samples from the top (highest molecular weight) down to the bottom (lowest molecular weight).With the addition of salt (Figure 5), there is a large blank region toward the basic end (right side) of the 2-D gel and streaking resulting from the concentration of proteins just before this salt effect. The addition of Tris (Figure 6) led to poorly focused spots and increased horizontal streaking. The user now can see through the graphical interface that the strips had variations in their conductive properties, and can then decide if the run properties need to be altered to avoid damage to the strip, if the strip needs to be removed from the focusing run, or if the sample should be prepared differently in future sample preparations.

Figure 4 - Silver stain of a 2-D gel result generated using a 24-cm, 3-10NL pH IPG strip with ~37 mg E. coli extract in standard 8 M urea, 2% CHAPS, 0.05% Pharmalyte buffer.

Figure 5 - Silver stain of a 2-D gel result generated using a 24-cm, 3-10NL pH IPG strip with ~37 mg E. coli extract in standard 8 M urea, 2% CHAPS, 0.05% Pharmalyte buffer containing 25 mM NaCl. Note the blank region on the right (basic) end of the IPG strip where salt interferes with the 2-D pattern. The location of strip burning is also evident by the yellow streak running vertically down the gel.

Figure 6 - Silver stain of a 2-D gel result generated using a 24-cm, 3-10NL pH IPG strip with ~37 mg E. coli extract in standard 8 M urea, 2% CHAPS, 0.05% Pharmalyte buffer containing 50 mM Tris. Note the poor focusing of sample particularly in the acidic (left) side of the 2-D gel.

Capturing the IPG strip current information in real time provides feedback to users, enabling greater control of the separation and therefore allowing them to make better decisions with respect to problematic or highly conductive samples. These highly conductive samples may limit the maximum voltage or current available for the entire run. As described by Görg,3 low voltages for extended periods of time at the beginning of the run can help to desalt the sample prior to IEF separation. When a strip is noted as having very high conductivity at the beginning of the run, the user can modify the protocol to include a low-voltage desalting phase or remove the strip from the experiment since the higher conductivity may limit run parameters. Without proper salt removal, strips can dry out and burn (see Figure 7). The Hoefer IEF100 can display the erratic behavior of a burning IPG strip (as shown in Figures 2 and 3b). The ability to monitor each IPG strip individually provides immediate feedback to the researcher. This valuable information can be used to advise the researcher to modify sample preparation or run parameters and prevent run failure.

Figure 7 - Results of too high a voltage applied to 24-cm strip containing 25 mM salt. The IPG strip has begun to burn as can be seen by discoloration and damage to the IPG gel. The Hoefer IEF100’s graphical interface shows erratic currents as the conductivity across the damaged area changes and arcing occurs (Figure 3b).

In some cases, other ionic compounds such as Tris are included in sample extraction buffers or added to adjust the pH of the sample preparation. Smejkal4 notes that these ions can create boundaries that proteins cannot traverse, restricting them from achieving true focusing. In the examples provided with Tris (Figure 3c), the current profile is higher and flatter than the sample without Tris. In addition, the gel pattern shows disruption. To avoid the complications of additives, sample cleanup prior to IEF can be helpful to remove ionic compounds.

Figure 8 - Chart of parameters recorded during an IEF run using the Hoefer IEF100. Along the left y axis, the voltage delivered is plotted over time (x axis). Using the second y axis, the current of the individual IPG strips is recorded over time. Note that the channel containing salt (Figure 3b, channel 3) has very high conductivity (shown by the very high μA) at the start of the run, which eventually decreases as the salts and proteins migrate in the IPG strip. Though this graph shows the parameters for three of the six channels, the Hoefer IEF100 will record the parameters for each of the six focusing channels in addition to the Vhrs, W, and temperature of the run.

In addition to displaying the voltage and current profile (data) on the liquid crystal display (LCD) of the Hoefer IEF100, all run parameters can be sent to an external printer or captured to a computer (Figure 8). Importing the data into a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft® Excel™ can allow users to generate a graph of all parameters for the run. Thus they are able to keep a permanent record of the set parameters and run conditions and diagnose any problems that may arise during the focusing.

Temperature control is also very important in order to achieve reproducible results and prevent any hot spots from occurring. A protein’s pI is dependent on the temperature of the separation. A separation at 20 °C might be very different from one at 25 °C. Under denaturing conditions, temperatures over 37 °C may be detrimental to the protein separation. Heating of samples in urea solutions can carbamylate proteins and introduce charge changes, which is undesirable when protein separation is based on charge. Localized hot spots can be generated in zones of high conductivity, such as areas containing high ion concentration. Fast dissipation of this heat is important to prevent overheating in localized regions. The Hoefer IEF100 is equipped with a Peltier-cooled focusing bed to accurately and precisely control the temperature of the separation.


By controlling the temperature, delivering very high voltages, and collecting data on each individual sample, the Hoefer IEF100 is an invaluable tool for the proteomics researcher.


  1. Andrews, A.T. Electrophoresis, 2nd ed.; Oxford University Press: Oxford, U.K., 1986; pp 247–50.
  2. Righetti, P.G. Immobilized pH Gradients: Theory and Methodology; Elsevier Science Publishers: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1990; pp 108–11, 120.
  3. Görg, A.; Obermaier, C.; Boguth, G.; Harder, A.; Scheibe, B.; Wildgruber, R.; Weiss, W. The current state of two-dimensional electrophoresis with immobilized pH gradients. Electrophoresis Apr 2000, 21(6), 1037–53.
  4. Smejkal, G.; Robinson, M. Tris interference in IEF and 2-DE. Electrophoresis May 2007, 28(10), 1601–6.

Ms. Laird is Senior Scientist, Hoefer Inc., Holliston, MA, U.S.A. Mr. Cohen is President, and Mr. Attwood is Director of Sales and Marketing, Harvard Bioscience, Electrophoresis Business, 84 October Hill Rd., Holliston, MA 01746, U.S.A.; tel.: 508-893-8999; fax: 508-429-5732; e-mail: [email protected].