Tilting Trees Produce Better Biofuels

Researchers at Imperial College London used medical imaging techniques to explore why making willow trees grow at an angle can vastly improve their biofuel yields. Using micro-CT scans, the team showed that the trees respond to being tilted by producing a sugar-rich, gelatinous fiber that helps them stay upright.

The researchers worked with experts at the Natural History Museum, the University of Surrey and Rothamsted Research Centre to use CT scanning to examine the willow's growth through high-resolution 3D images. This enabled them to see the changes in the willow at a cellular level and how they affected the plant's growth.

“It was difficult to see why the trees were releasing so much more sugar when stressed in nature or grown at an angle. Being able to visualize the differences occurring at a microscale, or cellular level, allowed an insight into the biology behind the macroscale effects on the whole tree,” explained Dr Nicholas Brereton, from Imperial’s Department of Life Sciences. He added, “Our research will help the biofuel sector select and use growing sites and conditions where no other crops can survive.”

The next step for the team will be to use even higher-resolution CT scanning to investigate the gelatinous fibers in more detail. The aim will be to measure how much of the fiber is produced by different plants, which will help identify which species of willow are likely to be the world’s best second-generation biofuel producers.